
Kopie von Marienschwestern vom Karmel

In the Carmelite rule, the spiritual principles our order follows, it says, "Some work has to be done by you. . . ." This rule gives us the freedom to deal with the needs of our time. Most important is our Being, not our Doing.

Brochure "Miteinander im Glauben unterwegs" (in German) (Download)

Learn more about our spirituality, our traditions, and our current activities in Austria, Germany, and Uganda. Read personal testimonials about vocations, thoughts on our saints, and the so-called "view from the outside in". You can order it for a donation for the Sisters of Mary of Mount Carmel's aid organization in Uganda by calling 0732/775654 or emailing us at

  • Administration of our order

    The Carmelite rule gives us the freedom to deal with the needs of our time. In this light the administration of our community serves those in Austria, Bavaria, and Uganda.

  • Education / Development

    Our mission as Sisters of Mary of Mount Carmel is to accompany young people part of their way and help them develop a successful life.

  • Meditation / Retreats / Seminars

    In the silence of meditation and contemplative retreats, it is possible to find the way to ourselves and to God.

  • Kneipp Tradition

    Through the wellness philosophy of Father Kneipp we help our guests experience rest, refreshment, self-healing, and lasting well-being.

  • Residence / Housing

    Where can I live then? This reasonable question comes up if one's life changes in connection with a move to another area, whether it be because of training, work, . . . .

Language: Deutsch English