Journeying Together in Faith

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God is the origin, center, and goal of our life. As God-seeking people we are journeying in faith, hope, and love.

  • July 2024

  • 22.07.2024 29.07.2024

    Short Contemplative Retreat in St. Virgil

    Introduction to contemplative prayer on the name Jesus (the "Jesus Prayer", in the style of Fr. Franz Jalics, SJ) and the contemplative lifestyle.

    Location: Education Center St. Virgil

    Speaker: Sr. Huberta Rohrmoser

  • August 2024

  • 06.08.2024 13.08.2024

    Contemplative Retreat for Experts

    (at least 4x exercises, regular meditation in everyday life)

    Location: Marienheim - Retreat House of the Sisters of Mary of Mount Carmel

    Speaker: Sr. M. Huberta Rohrmoser

  • 26.08.2024 30.08.2024

    Short Contemplative Retreat

    Introduction to contemplative prayer on the name Jesus (the "Jesus Prayer", in the style of Fr. Franz Jalics, SJ) and the contemplative lifestyle.

    Location: Educational Center St. Benedikt

    Speaker: Sr. M. Huberta Rohrmoser

Language: Deutsch English