
It began with the devotion of one person. On February 26, 1861 Sr. Theresia Böck celebrated her first profession. With that our community began to live.

Following the Carmelite way of life, the first Sisters of Mary of Mount Carmel earned their livelihood by sewing.

"Be aware of the needs of the time!" With these words Bishop Rudigier showed the way to social/charitable work in the spirit of Carmelite spirituality.

After repeated changes of residence and other difficulties in the beginning, the "Marian Institute" became the base of up-to-date operations.

The age of the industrialization deeply affected family structures. Everywhere institutes for the protection of children were developed.

Even before the official recognition of the young community the first invitation for missionary work came. There were a total of eight invitations from all continents.

With the official church and civil recognition 1885, the Sisters of the Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel were allowed to wear habits.

In 1903 a school was built in Erla with St. Valentin. Technical knowledge, practical skills, and direction for personality development have remained central to the present day.

It began once again with the devotion of one person. Sr. M. Raphaela Freund shared in Aspach (1911-1945) her personal experience of healing through Kneipp Therapy.

In 1920 at the request of the Carmelites several sisters began their ministry in Regensburg. In 1940 the Bavarian branches were named part the Province.

At the 100-Year Celebration in 1961, we coupled the name change to "Sisters of Mary of Mount Carmel" with the change of our habit.

In 1964 it went as far as a visit and the laying of the cornerstone of a new foundation in Indonesia, but in the end it was not realized.

2002 - The beginning of a new reality! Sr. M. Elisabeth Brunnmayr and Sr. M. Antonia Dulong begin a mission foundation in Uganda.