
  • Sr. M. Huberta Rohrmoser

    In my experience God not only calls once, but again and again. If I look back today, I can see how God personally accompanied me to my order and - despite many obstacles along the way - led me to my special vocation, to a service to others that gives me great joy.

  • Sr. M. Rosa Wieser

    At the beginning of my vocation (at approximately 12 years of age) I felt a deep longing for security and peace. Intuitively I felt that God alone could satisfy this longing and I for the first time I thought of becoming a nun, because one must actually always be close to God there.

  • Sr. M. Pauline Angermayr

    One day I "coincidentally" met Sr. Leonie of the Sisters of Mary of Mount Carmel. Carmelite spirituality fit well with the inner path I had traveled up until then. I loved to spend time in the silence, I felt an urge to stay connected with Jesus throughout the day, and I wanted to serve God and other people in my daily work.

  • Sr. M. Margit Zimmermann

    As a teenager on a painful search for the meaning of life, the night after my appendectomy the grace of the faith was given to me. If God is my father, He also has a plan for my life.

  • Sr. M. Jacinta Menzel

    It is not I who works on my life-mosaic, but God. He sets pebble upon pebble. My vocation story is like a mosaic . . . .

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